Medical Supply

Simple, nice and user-friendly application of the weather.
Only relevant and useful information.

Key Features

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Usability Best Practice

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Awesome Animations

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Professional Layouts

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Unlimited Colors

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Super Simple. Super Quick.

A lot of colors for the background, you can choose them yourself.
Go to your phone’s widgets and select the one you like.

App Downloads
Five Star Reviews


How does the design of the app pages looks like. You are free to change the design

Sunny Weather

When the weather sunny background changes to a warm orange color. Enjoy this wonderful weather until it ended.

Rainy Weather

When the rain outside the window background changes to gray tones. Time to drink a cup of tea.

Cloudy Weather

On the street warm, but clouds gathered. Let’s hope that the rain will not go but prepare your umbrella.

What People are Saying

Impreza is the best fun app you will ever use.
Don’t just take our word for it, see what everyone else is saying!

What are you waiting for?

Simple, nice and user-friendly application for this demo.
Just download the app from the App Store.

    Producto que requiere Mascarillas DesechablesMascarillas KN95XIANDE - Termometro infrarojo sin contactoBerrcom - Termómetro infrarrojo sin contactoGuantes de nitriloKit de detección COVID-19 IgM / IgGAirQueen – Máscara de Filtro de Nano-fibraTermómetro de Mercurio OralTermómetro de Mercurio CorporalTermómetro Digital Flexible – Lectura instantáneaTermómetro Digital – Lectura instantáneaOxímetro – StandardOxímetroOxímetro – DeluxeCoverallsBatas quirúrgicasMascarillas desechables para niñosFace shield para adultosFace shield para niñosCamas Medicas


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